Carpal Tunnel Syndrome/Thoracic Outlet
The majority of carpal tunnel syndrome victims believe that the primary problem is in the wrist. While the symptoms are in the wrist and hand, the cause is often somewhere else. The nerves running inside the carpal tunnel have their origin the neck area. When there is presence of misalignment or blocked vertebra in the neck, the nerve can get compressed. These pressures can affect the flow of current along the nerve all the way down to the hand and fingers.
A clinical research (Clinical Neurol Neurosurg 2007, Oct 11, Moghaderi A Izadis) observed the risk factors from a double compression syndrome. One hundred and twenty five women suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome and 109 control patients were examined; 89 of the victims suffered from carpal tunnel and 36 suffered from double compression (neck and wrist). Victims with the double compression syndrome were older, with their condition possibly linked to neck discal degeneration producing nerve compression in the neck.
It is very important that all carpal/hand sufferers have a complete exam with x-ray (if necessary) analysis.
A complete evaluation of the upper extremities with the neck and upper back region must be performed. This coupled with x-ray (if necessary) analysis of the neck will determine the cause of the problem as well as the future treatment.
Our clinic follows an approach of care without medications or surgery.
Our approach consists of manual intervention in the neck as well as cold laser therapy at the wrist region.
Call the office of Dr. Christian Beaudry, DC at (514) 694-0303 and discover the best non-surgical approach for carpal tunnel syndrome. A complete evaluation of the upper extremities with the neck and upper back region must be performed. This coupled with x-ray (if necessary) analysis of the neck will determine the cause of the problem as well as the future treatment.